Logo of Big Brother Mouse, publishing books in Laos

10 August, 2012, Ban Khoksavang, Laos

Support for a reading room: Repeated visits from our staff, to read aloud, bring new books, and conduct other activities, make a big difference in the success of a village reading program. Two or three members of our team go for 3 to 5 days, staying with a family. That provides time for many activities, plus in-depth discussions with the reading room volunteer, and others in the villages.

This event was sponsored by Planet Wheeler Foundation (Australia). Thank you!

At school book parties, we usually read a fairy tale. Here, in the village, we sometimes read other types of books. This one is about traditional Lao toys; later that week, our team and children in the village used ideas in the book to make several toys, and to have a race with one of them.

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